User Profiles - kristel Shaw

Monday, November 16, 2015

New Badge!

I took 20,000 steps and earned the High Tops badge!

Yeah! I just got this tonight. Made my whole day. :) I've got some progress I'd love to share with you in the morning.

But first I need to unwind with some tea! Have a grrrrreat night!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Starting Over

Hey guys.

It happened. You know, life. I hit a really rough patch right before going back to school.

My family did some awful things, I was homeless, couch surfing, lost my financial aid, denied home after home. It really hurt. It hurt me on the inside and outside. Truly, I felt lost, disconnected, and my soul felt shattered.

Fast forward to now. November of 2015. I'm not homeless anymore but I still feel the twinges of pain from being emotionally assaulted. I also don't fit into my sexy jeans anymore. Extra sad face.

But here's another side of where I'm at.

I was gifted a FitBit zip. With the combination of the device, their app, and the Under Armour Fitness Buddy and MapMyWalk, I'm making great strides. Literally. :)

What am I doing? Lifting weights at the gym, striving for 12,000 or more steps a day, drinking EAS shakes, tracking everything! As of this morning, I've lost 10.2 pounds, and I'm still going!

So what makes sense to me right now isn't just showing others products, and telling them what works. I'm going to tell you what's working for me, and what's not.

So that's it for today. I'm off to put these feet to work!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What's IN Shakeology?

To understand Shakeology, and why you need it, let's start with some of the ingredients and their benefits. Shakeology isn't just vitamins, it is also super blends. These particular blends are used in the chocolate recipe.

Let's begin with the Super Protein Blend. This contains Whey, Sacha Inchi, Chia, Fla, Quinoa, Amaranth, and Pea.

This blend helps build lean muscles, improves skin and hair, supports mental clarity, and reduce cravings.

The Super-Fruit/Antioxidant Blend contains Camu-Camu, Acai, Acerola Cherry, Bilberry, Goji Berry, Grape Seed, Green Tea, Luo Han Guo, Pomegranate, and Rose Hips.

This is to provide antioxidant support, promote a healthy heart, and optimal blood pressure.

The Super-Green/PhytoNutrient Blend contains Moringa, Chlorella, Spirulina, Spinach, Barley Grass, Kamut Grass, Wheat Grass, and Oat Grass.

These help alkalize the body, promotes detoxification of the liver, kidneys, and blood ro restore health and vitality.

The Adaptogen blend contains Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Cordyceps, Ginkgo, Maca, Maitake, Reishi, Schisandra, and Tulsi (Holy Basil).

These help protect the body from stress, support the immune system, and balance the endocrine system.

The Pre and Probiotic/Digestive Enzyme Blend contains Yacon Root, Lactobacillus Sporogenes, Amylase, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase, Protease, Bromelain, and Papain.

These help increase nutrient absorption, promote regularity, cleanse the digestive system, and improve digestion as a whole.

These are just the blends, and we haven't touched on the individual vitamins and what THEY can do for your body. We'll look in to that next time.

But by now I am sure you're beginning to see why just following the fitness routines isn't complete. To optimize your workouts and live a healthier lifestyle, you need the Shakeology as well!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Yes, You Can.

I'm always hearing why people CAN'T. It doesn't matter what others say, you only can't if you decide you can't.

So let's start today deciding to release negativity and deciding that we CAN.

What are the things people say they can't do? They say they can't work out, they don't have time. Guess what? I'm a mom of 2, a full time student, with a social life. I don't have time to work out either. I MAKE time.

If you really care about your health and wellness, you'll make time, too!


If you really care about your health and wellness, you'll make time, too!

An easy solution is the WOWY Fitness gym. You create your profile, do a before picture, enter some goals, and it starts falling into place!

Click Join

OK, but I can't afford the products. No - you can't NOT afford the products. Think about what you are spending on fast food, fatty $6 cups of coffee, and junk food at the grocery store. Total it up and look at what it is doing to you. You can't afford top of the line products that benefit you, but you can afford to throw your health down the drain? That doesn't sound like a financial issue. That sounds like a self esteem and laziness issue. Yeah, I said it.

Alright, I'll throw you a bone. If you want to save money on BeachBody Products, there's options. You can sign up to be a Club Member for only $2.99 a week and save 10%, OR you can sign up to be a Coach. Being a Coach you receive 25% off products, and people want to start following in your footsteps. They see you looking great, and they become a Coach. The ball keeps rolling, and you go from having your products paid for, to having them paid for and more!

So let's stop talking, and let's get moving.

Head on over and click COACH, and show me what you can do.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

What Is Shakeology?

So what is Shakeology? Shakeology is an awesome blend of good-for-you ingredients that not only help you detox in a gentle manner, but also help you get the best absorption of your food.

Shakeology is vital if you truly want to live a healthier lifestyle.

In case you didn't know, Shakeology is available in a regular formula, and a VEGAN formula. If you don't know what vegan means, it means that there are no animal products in the ingredients. This is important to those who choose a vegan lifestyle or who are sensitive or intolerant to dairy.

OK, Kristel. It works, it does good things, and it is plain old good for me. But what do I DO with it? Shakeology has wonderful recipes and plans for you to follow. They make it so easy, and you can even purchase a shake mixer, and special BPA-Free containers to keep your Shakeology in.

I promise, you'll love it!

Getting Started!

Let me start out by introducing myself. My name is Kristel. I'm a mother of two, a full time student, I have a wonderful boyfriend named John, and a BeachBody fitness coach!

When people think of BeachBody, they often think of just the work-out infomercials. BeachBody is so much more than that.

BeachBody is fitness, working together, healthy eating, skin care, and so much more.

Did you know that you can create a free online profile with BeachBody, and enter your goals, stats and more? I invite you to try it, and I will provide the links at the bottom of this blog.

So let's talk goals. As I mentioned before, I have two children. I want them to see me living a healthy lifestyle and follow in my footsteps.

I am entering this very shortly after Thanksgiving. A personal goal of mine is to go to my favorite yoga studio 20 times or more before Christmas. It sounds easy enough, until you think about setting aside time for shopping, school work, family. It can get overwhelming, right? One step at a time!

So beginning with one step at a time, I would like you to start your step one with a goal. Write it down, and make it happen. I would love it if you would share these goals with me either here on my online blog, or in my Facebook group. Again, you will find all sorts of links below.

I don't want to overwhelm you with reading, so I will end Blog 1 here. I very much look forward to working with you, and helping you reach your goals! Please contact me with any questions!


Here are the links you were looking for...I invite you to look through them all:

Please add me as a work out buddy as soon as you create your free profile!

My BeachBody Profile

My BeachBody Coaching Page

My Ultimate Reset Page

My Shakeology Page

My Facebook Group

Last but not least, my personal email: (Copy and Paste)