User Profiles - kristel Shaw

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Yes, You Can.

I'm always hearing why people CAN'T. It doesn't matter what others say, you only can't if you decide you can't.

So let's start today deciding to release negativity and deciding that we CAN.

What are the things people say they can't do? They say they can't work out, they don't have time. Guess what? I'm a mom of 2, a full time student, with a social life. I don't have time to work out either. I MAKE time.

If you really care about your health and wellness, you'll make time, too!


If you really care about your health and wellness, you'll make time, too!

An easy solution is the WOWY Fitness gym. You create your profile, do a before picture, enter some goals, and it starts falling into place!

Click Join

OK, but I can't afford the products. No - you can't NOT afford the products. Think about what you are spending on fast food, fatty $6 cups of coffee, and junk food at the grocery store. Total it up and look at what it is doing to you. You can't afford top of the line products that benefit you, but you can afford to throw your health down the drain? That doesn't sound like a financial issue. That sounds like a self esteem and laziness issue. Yeah, I said it.

Alright, I'll throw you a bone. If you want to save money on BeachBody Products, there's options. You can sign up to be a Club Member for only $2.99 a week and save 10%, OR you can sign up to be a Coach. Being a Coach you receive 25% off products, and people want to start following in your footsteps. They see you looking great, and they become a Coach. The ball keeps rolling, and you go from having your products paid for, to having them paid for and more!

So let's stop talking, and let's get moving.

Head on over and click COACH, and show me what you can do.


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